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Kava VS Kratom: Which One To Choose?

Kratom vs Kava

Kava and Kratom, both from distant lands, have piqued many people’s interest due to their distinct characteristics and traditional uses. These plants, each with unique qualities and origins, have centuries of history and still fascinate people of today.

In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating worlds of Kava and Kratom, two herbal plants that have piqued the interest of enthusiasts worldwide. We’ll examine everything from their origins to their effects, legal status, and the trend of mixing them so we can decide which one to choose.

Kava VS Kratom

What is Kava?

Kava, also known as Piper methysticum, is a plant native to the South Pacific Islands. It is primarily harvested from lush islands such as Fiji, Vanuatu, and Hawaii. The name originates from the Polynesian word “awa”, which means bitter. This word is a complete description of the herb, which has a bitter taste and causes the beverage Kawa tea to taste similarly bitter and strong. 

The active compounds, Kavalactones, are what have made it so popular in the beverage industry, as they have an anxiolytic effect on users.

Traditional Use of Kava

The traditional use of it varies by culture and island, but it has been used for centuries in the South Pacific Islands. In many communities, Kava is regarded as a sacred plant and used in various ceremonies, including weddings, funerals, and even political gatherings.

Its preparation varies by culture, but it typically involves grinding the Kava root and mixing it with water to create a refreshing beverage known as Kava tea.

What is Kratom?

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, is derived from the lush rainforests of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, all of which are located in Southeast Asia.

It has gained popularity in recent years due to the alkaloids found in its leaves. Alkaloids such as Mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine lead to mood enhancement and the analgesic and stimulant effects of the herb.

Traditional Use of Kratom

Kratom also has a long history of traditional use in Southeast Asian countries, and many indigenous communities use it to alleviate discomfort and fatigue and increase productivity. Rather than being used in a fancy way, as most brands now advertise, the leaves are simply chewed or brewed into some form of tea.

Comparing Kava and Kratom

It is true that both these herbs come from the plant and interact with the brain receptors to offer certain effects. But what makes them different if they have these similarities? To make it clear, let’s read about them in depth.

Kava vs Kratom: Effects

Kava is prized for its sedative, anxiolytic, and muscle-relaxing properties, making it ideal for those looking to unwind after a long day and simply brush their stress off their shoulders.

Kratom, on the other hand, has stimulant, analgesic, and mood-enhancing properties, making it ideal for those who require an energy boost to complete their daily physical tasks without feeling overwhelmed.

Kava vs Kratom: Dependency

The effects of Kava and Kratom are determined by the dosage and individual tolerance. While Kava is generally considered safe when taken in moderation, Kratom has a higher risk of developing dependency if not regulated and taken in larger doses on a regular basis.

Kava vs Kratom: Legal Status

The legal status of Kava and Kratom varies by country. While Kava is legal and widely sold and consumed in many Pacific Island regions, it is restricted and banned in some countries, including Australia, Canada, and France.

Similarly, the legal status of Kratom varies, with some countries, including Denmark, Ireland, Poland, and a few others, prohibiting the sale of the herb.

Kava vs Kratom: Preparation and Consumption

Both Kava and Kratom can be consumed in multiple ways. Kava is well-known for its popular beverage, Kava tea, which is made by grinding the Kava root and mixing it with water to create a refreshing beverage. Whereas Kratom has been adopted by numerous brands, evolving from a simple tea to capsules, shots, and even tasty gummies.

Kava vs Kratom: Duration and Onset

Depending on the dosage and preparation, the effects of Kava typically begin within 20-30 minutes of consumption and last for 2-5 hours. Kratom has a faster onset than Kava, which is around 5-10 minutes and lasts about 3-6 hours, depending on the dosage.

Kratom Vs. Kava: Comparison Chart

As both these substances mostly have varying effects while some effects might be the same. Let’s compare both the herbs in a chart to understand better which one takes the lead.

OriginSoutheast AsiaSouth Pacific Islands
Active IngredientsMitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynineKavalactones
LegalityLegal in the most parts of U.SConsidered safe in most parts of the U.S
Consumption Tea, extract, capsules and moreLimited usage options like preparing tea or taking as a supplement
Habit FormingYesThere is no evidence of dependency
TasteEarthy Earthy 

What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Kratom and Kava?

Well, both of these substances come with their own set of risks just as they have particular benefits. But most of these issues arise when a user overdoses or mixes them with other medicines and when they use them for a long period of time.

Kratom’s Side Effects:

Mitragyna Speciosa has some risks but a user must follow some guidelines before getting their hands on it. First of all, it is not for pregnant and lactating mothers and must be used after consulting a doctor. Some common side effects include;

  • Nausea
  • Hallucination
  • Trouble breathing

Kava Side Effects:

Kava generally seems to have less risks associated with its use but one must not drive after using it and the high dose may cause liver damage as per some users.

  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness

Can You Mix Kava and Kratom?

Both Kava and Kratom enthusiasts experiment with these herbs to improve their experiences and have fun while reaping the benefits. It’s no surprise that they are intrigued by both of their benefits and have combined these herbs to achieve the best results.

There are several ways to take them together, including mixing their teas and drinking them together, taking both capsules with water or your preferred beverage, or simply washing and tossing both powders together. Another option is to take Kava and Kratom together but within a shorter time frame. For example, you could drink Kava tea first, then take Kratom capsules, or vice versa.

One of the most popular and simple methods is to prepare Kava and Kratom drinks. Brew Kava and Kratom teas separately, then combine them in a single cup. This method allows for convenient consumption and flavor blending.

Users have reported that combining these both substances improves their experience by synergizing their effects. For example, the calming effect of Kava complements the soothing properties of Kratom.  Both of these herbs also help users have a more balanced experience by counteracting the potential side effects of each substance.

For instance, Kava’s muscle-relaxing properties may help to alleviate Kratom-induced jitteriness or restlessness. However, both of these herbs are extremely potent, and their combined effect can result in serious side effects such as excessive sedation, liver toxicity, and gastrointestinal discomfort. So make sure to calculate your dosage and check with a health physician if necessary.

Take Away

Exploring the different characteristics of Kava and Kratom reveals that both herbs have distinct effects and potential benefits. While Kava is valued for its calming and muscle-relaxing properties, Kratom is renowned for its stimulating and analgesic properties. However, both substances should be approached with caution because they can cause dependency and other side effects. Lastly, where the question is concerned about which one to choose, the decision is based on personal preferences and health concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions- FAQ

Is Kava Addictive?

While Kava is not considered as habit forming as substances like alcohol, with excessive use, it can still lead to dependency.

Which is Better: Kratom or CBD?

Kratom and CBD offer different effects and potential benefits. Kratom is known for its stimulating and discomfort-relieving properties, while CBD is often used for its calming and anti-stress effects. It determines which option may be more suitable for your specific needs.

Is Kava Legal In USA?

Yes, Kava is legal in all 50 states of the USA and is often sold as a muscle relaxant or a sleep aid at most retailers.

Is Kava a stimulant?

Kava is not typically considered as a stimulant. However, due to its calming and relaxing effects, many users claim to experience mild stimulating effects.

Is Kava and Kratom the Same Thing?

No, Kava and Kratom are two different plants with distinct properties and effects. Kava is derived from the roots of the Piper methysticum plant, while Kratom, on the other hand, comes from the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree.

Does Kava Give You Energy?

While Kava is not typically associated with providing energy like stimulants such as caffeine, some individuals may experience mild stimulating and energy-boosting effects from certain Kava strains or preparations.


About Eric Rollings

An advocate and enthusiast of natural remedies, first discovered kratom nine years ago when searching for solutions for lack of focus and desire to withdraw from communicating with others in social situations. Struggling with various challenges led him to explore alternative treatments, ultimately finding comfort in the traditional Southeast Asian botanical, kratom. Since then, Eric has dedicated himself to understanding and promoting the responsible use of this herbal supplement. His personal journey has inspired him to engage with various communities, sharing his knowledge and experience, and he has become a respected figure in the field. Through seminars, writings, and active participation in online forums, Eric continues to spread awareness of kratom, hoping to assist others who face similar struggles. His passion and dedication have made him a prominent voice in the natural health community.

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