Kratom Strains

What’s Indo Kratom And What Effects Does It Give?

What Is Indo Kratom

Anytime you’re discussing the best kratom strains to take, Indo kratom is usually a part of the conversation. Indo kratom strains have been a favorite among kratom users for a long time.

As the name suggest, Indo kratom originates from Indonesia. Kratom farmers in Indonesia have been growing kratom for centuries. When it comes to mastering premium, high quality kratom, these farmers have it figured it out.

Since harvesting and drying out kratom plays a big role on the quality of powder you get, one of the reasons Indo kratom is so popular is because Indonesian farmers have mastered this process. For the most part, Indo kratom is among the strongest kratom you can buy.

Super Indo Kratom


While I touched on harvesting, drying and farmers as “reasons” why Indo is so popular, there are a few more reasons behind its popularity.

Indo kratom has a high 7-OH-mitragynine count, much more than other kratom strains. It’s also unique because it has less mitragynine than other strains, which allows it to give users specific effects, which we’ll discuss in just a second.

Indo also has brand recognition, it’s a term that’s used for many things. Indo kratom has that star quality and I’m sure it plays a role in when users are choosing a kratom strain to try.


Since Indo kratom has elevated 7-OH-mitragynine and less mitragynine, Indo kratom may give users a boost in mood and give you relaxing effects. It may also be used for discomfort relief, relief of a restless mind and some with mental anguish have found it to be helpful.

When you compare Indo to other strains, Indo is not as stimulating as some other types of kratom.

From there, Indo kratom effects are going to be dependent on what type of Indo kratom you take.

Let’s look at the different types of Indo kratom.


The most popular Indo kratom is red vein.

Red Indo kratom, sometimes referred to by Super Red, may give you sedative effects, that’s one thing you want to be aware of.

Some users believe that Red vein Indo may be a great mood enhancer. Since it may show sedative effects, some users with restless thoughts and sleep problems may use it for those purposes.

Like most other red vein kratom strains, red Indo may also be used to relieve discomfort. In fact, users have reported that red Indo may last longer as a discomfort reliever than a lot of other kratom strains.

Red Indo could also be the best choice for those who have muscle soreness or injuries, such as a pulled muscle. This is because Indo may help your muscles relax.

You can take a look Red Vein Indo at our shop.


White vein Indo is the most stimulating of Indo strains.

For users that want a boost of energy with discomfort relief, they can consider it as a good strain of Indo to try.

You can take a look White Vein Indo at our shop.


Green vein Indo, also known by Super Green or Super Indo, may show discomfort relieving and relaxing effects. Some people label the feeling as “tranquil” and “at peace.”

Although it’s not as strong as red vein Indo, it may still be helpful in relieving discomfort and show sedative effects. 

You can take a look Green Vein Indo at our shop.


Remember the general rule of thumb with dosing kratom: everyone is different and feels different effects taking kratom. The only way to find out what your Indo dose should be is trying it yourself.

With that said, here’s what you should know about dosing Indo kratom.

Due to Indo’s chemical makeup, it may have sedative effects at low doses. Be aware of that.

For those of you taking kratom for the first time, we always recommend starting out slow. You can take an Indo dose of 1-2 grams and wait for 30-45 minutes. Afterward, see how you feel. If you haven’t felt the desired results you want, try taking 1-2 more grams and wait again for 30-45 minutes to see how you feel.

If you’ve already been taking kratom, you don’t need any advice on dosing, you already know your “perfect” level.

Just make sure you’re aware of how Indo can make you feel.

Have you tried Indo? Let us know about your experience below. Remember, the more we can share our experiences, the more we can learn from one another.


About Eric Rollings

An advocate and enthusiast of natural remedies, first discovered kratom nine years ago when searching for solutions for lack of focus and desire to withdraw from communicating with others in social situations. Struggling with various challenges led him to explore alternative treatments, ultimately finding comfort in the traditional Southeast Asian botanical, kratom. Since then, Eric has dedicated himself to understanding and promoting the responsible use of this herbal supplement. His personal journey has inspired him to engage with various communities, sharing his knowledge and experience, and he has become a respected figure in the field. Through seminars, writings, and active participation in online forums, Eric continues to spread awareness of kratom, hoping to assist others who face similar struggles. His passion and dedication have made him a prominent voice in the natural health community.

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