Kratom FAQ

Kratom and Bad Breath, Really?

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Kratom, a slightly familiar term nowadays, is making headlines in the health and wellness industry for all the good and controversial reasons. While FDA’s clean chit is still a concern for many kratom vendors, users have a new hysteria related to bad breath-causing properties of their favorite strains like Organic Kratom Green Maeng Da

Recently, we have come across customers who report having bad breath after consuming kratom. The kratom related halitosis happens due to a few ingestion methods. And, believe us, your concern is legit. However, effective ways can help you avoid a bad-breath situation after kratom. So, read on to learn about these quick and easy fixes.

But first, let’s know what kratom may do to your body!

Kratom and Its Effects

It was probably around the 1960s that the western world tasted kratom for the first time. Before that, kratom’s use was limited to South East Asian Island Countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The origins of kratom lie in these countries, and locals have benefited from its ample benefits since history was first recorded. Globalization helped kratom expand its consumer base and reach you all.

Locals call kratom a medicinal herb, and to some extent, their claim holds as kratom may help in:

  • Improvement of Overall health
  • Getting Relief from Discomfort and Nervousness
  • Uplifting Mood
  • Unwind and Relax
  • Boosting Energy levels

While the above are a few commonly reported benefits of kratom, research is still ongoing, and we may see newer additions to the list very soon.

Kratom and Bad Breath

Potential Causes Of Bad Breath

Kratom may be good, but its diversity makes things trickier for users. First, you need to decide which strain and dosage work for you. Second, you need to decide which form works best for you. While making so many decisions, finding the correct cause of bad breath is significant. 

Generally, there are many traditional and kratom causes of halitosis. To clear up a stinky and foul smell, you must look for bad breath-causing reasons like dietary infections and bad oral hygiene. However, we have listed a few causes that worsen with kratom’s use. Read below:

Tonsilloliths (Tonsil Stones)

Ask any dentist about the common cause of bad breath; they’ll list tonsil stones as the first five reasons. They’re caused by the accumulation of food particles, mucus, and other oral wastes at the back of your throat and later going through calcification.

Kratom powder here contributes to the formation of tonsils. It mostly happens during the toss and wash method or when you sip kratom tea, as they involve holding kratom in your mouth. During the process, the powder gets trapped and contributes to tonsil formation.

To avoid the formation of tonsil stones, switching to another kratom ingestion method, such as capsules, is better.


Plaque and Debris between your teeth are another cause of bad breath. Those little food particles that get stuck in your teeth become a home for stinky bacteria when left for a long time. In severe cases, it results in infection, tooth decay, or gum diseases; believe us, they all smell terrible.

Here, kratom consumed through the toss and wash method makes some of the powder trapped in your teeth. So try changing your use of raw kratom powder to capsules. If capsules don’t sound like you, try to floss and swish mouthwash after every kratom dosage.

Dirty Tongue

Oral hygiene doesn’t end with brushing your teeth; your tongue needs cleaning too. If you have been ignoring the tongue-cleaning step, it’s time to add it to the list, as studies suggest an unclean tongue can be a source of stinky breath.  

While most of the kratom powder gets tossed down the throat, still your tongue can absorb a part of it. It mostly happens when your tongue is already unclean.

Cleaning it regularly is the best way to avoid kratom getting lodged on your tongue. Make it your habit, and your overall oral hygiene will improve. Another effective way is to shift to kratom capsules.

All In All

The above three are most likely to cause bad breath after kratom ingestion. However, switching to another ingestion method can make the issue less troublesome. On the contrary, if raw kratom is your thing, consider using sugar-free gums and mouthwash regularly. Plus, make a few efforts towards maintaining good oral hygiene and add regular visits to the dentist to your schedule.

If none of the tips can cure kratom-related halitosis, it’s a possible symptom of another underlying cause. So, consult your dentist for a proper checkup. Lastly, there’s no fundamental reason that kratom causes terrible breath. Nevertheless, certain kratom ingestion methods can worsen pre-existing conditions. So, take proper care of your oral health when you consume your favorite Red Horned Kratom powder. Little efforts can improve your overall oral health in big ways.


About Eric Rollings

An advocate and enthusiast of natural remedies, first discovered kratom nine years ago when searching for solutions for lack of focus and desire to withdraw from communicating with others in social situations. Struggling with various challenges led him to explore alternative treatments, ultimately finding comfort in the traditional Southeast Asian botanical, kratom. Since then, Eric has dedicated himself to understanding and promoting the responsible use of this herbal supplement. His personal journey has inspired him to engage with various communities, sharing his knowledge and experience, and he has become a respected figure in the field. Through seminars, writings, and active participation in online forums, Eric continues to spread awareness of kratom, hoping to assist others who face similar struggles. His passion and dedication have made him a prominent voice in the natural health community.

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