How to Consume Kratom

Kratom Measurements on a Tablespoon and Teaspoon

Kratom Measurements

Kratom, a natural herb with roots in Southeast Asia, caught the attention of many for its unique effects. Kratom Measurements are necessary for kratom dosage. Otherwise, it can lead to less than ideal experience. It’s not about what it does but how much you use that shapes the journey. 

This blog will help you with Kratom Measurements using simple tools in your drawer, like tablespoons and teaspoons, to guide you through precise doing.

Why is it Important to Measure Kratom?

Although kratom powder is the most polar form of kratom, its only drawback is the need to measure a dose before taking it. This is because kratom provides an optimum quantity of Mitragynine and 7-hydroxy Mitragynine, which can result in different body reactions. If you take too much, you might feel sick or uncomfortable. Taking too little might mean you don’t feel any effect at all. That is why a measured dose is needed to get it right.

Measuring Kratom

While a digital scale is the most accurate way for Kratom Measurements, if you don’t have it, you can easily measure it using kratom kitchen tools. People use teaspoons and tablespoons to measure their kratom dose; however, it depends on the person what they want to use.

It’s important to note that these are the most common tools for measuring kratom, and they are not accurate. You will also get to know that not all teaspoons are created equal. Some may be larger than others. 

Measuring Kratom in Teaspoon

When measuring kratom with a teaspoon, it’s important to know that one teaspoon usually contains about 2.3 grams of kratom powder; this measurement is a good starting point for beginners or those looking for a small dose. However, the exact amount of kratom in a teaspoon can vary depending on how fine or coarse the powder is. Finer kratom powders tend to pack more densely into the teaspoon. You might have more kratom in your dose. On the Kratom hand, coarser powders are less dense, so a teaspoon of powder will have less kratom. 

Measuring Kratom Tablespoon

Measuring kratom with a tablespoon helps when you need a larger dose. A single tablespoon can hold about 6.2 grams of kratom powder. This amount works well for those who have more experience with kratom or need strong effects, like with teaspoons; the actual amount of kratom you get in a tablespoon can change based on the powder’s grind. A finer grind means the kratom packs more tightly in a teaspoon, which leads to a heavier dose. If the kratom powder is coarser, it will pack less tightly, and you will end up with less kratom in the spoon. 

How to Measure Kratom Using Spoons?

Spoons are not the most accurate way to measure kratom. You can follow these simple steps to ensure you get a consistent dose every time you use kratom.

  • First, choose a tablespoon for a larger dose or a teaspoon for a smaller dose.
  • Scoop the kratom powder with your spoon. Try to fill the spoon without packing the powder down.
  • Use the straight edge of a knife or a card to level off the top of the spoon. Gently sweep across the top to remove excess powder and ensure a flat surface. This step is important for consistency as it standardizes the amount of kratom in the spoon.
  • Carefully transfer the measured powder from the spoon to the container you’ll be using for your kratom intake, such as a teacup or mixing bowl. 
Kratom Measurements

Simple Tips to Ensure Consistency 

  • Always use the same spoon for measurement to maintain consistency. Different spoons may hold slightly different amounts. 
  • Be consistent with how you level off the spoon. Apply the same pressure and technique each time to ensure you get the same amount.
  • Remember that the fineness of the kratom powder can affect its volume; finer powders are denser and might require a lighter scoop to avoid overdosing.
  • The more you measure, the better you’ll be at eyeballing the correct amount. Still, whenever precision is necessary, don’t skip the levelling step.
  • Consider using a digital scale if you want accurate dosing at least once to see how much kratom your spoonfuls are kratom. 

How Many Spoons of Kratom Should I Take?

Knowing the right amount of kratom to take depends on kratom factors, including tolerance, the desired effects, and the specific strain of kratom you’re using. Always use kratom with a small dose if you’re new to kratom, and gradually increase your experience.

Here is a general guideline to get started:

  • Low dose: start with about one teaspoon (roughly 2.3 grams) of kratom powder. 
  • Moderate dose: If you want a more pronounced effect, then starting with two teaspoons (approximately 4.6 grams) may be appropriate.
  • High Dose: 3 to 4 teaspoons (6.9 to 9.2 grams) can produce strong effects. This dosage is typically recommended only for experienced users with higher tolerance.


Kratom’s effects depend on the strain, the dose, and individual factors like body weight and tolerance. However, measuring the kratom amount is important for obtaining optimal results. Therefore, precise measurements, whether with teaspoons, tablespoons, or a digital scale, ensure consistency and help you understand your ideal dosage better.

Remember, the key to a positive kratom experience lies in respecting its potency and starting with a lower dose if you’re new to it. Adjust your dose gradually to find what works best for you.


About Asad Khan

Asad Khan is a Health Journalist and specializes in Science, Healthcare, and Environment from the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany. He has experience of several years in writing especially on Cannabis, CBD, Kratom and other natural health supplements. As an author, Asad developed strong reporting skills and develop good stories related to mental illness, health disparities & health care. He has the passion for speaking about marijuana and other natural plants that are famous nowadays for their therapeutic effects.

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