Kratom FAQ

Kratom Tree: Everything You Should Know

The Kratom Tree - Kratom Exchange

The kratom tree, also referred to as Mitragyna Speciosa, is a tree that originates from Southeast Asia. As its popularity continues to grow here in the United States and people hear about kratom’s benefits, more are wanting to learn about this incredible tree.

While the kratom tree can grow quite large, it’s the kratom leaf that is highly sought after as it holds the chemicals and compounds that produce the effects many people are seeking. Kratom leaves are dried and turned into kratom powders, which can be bought from online kratom vendors like Kratom Exchange.

There are a number of ways you can use kratom. Ancient tribes and farmers used to chew kratom leaves. They were also known for making kratom teas. More modern ways for taking kratom include “toss and wash,” which refers to tossing the kratom powder in your mouth and washing it down with a drink.

One of the things you hear a lot about among new kratom users is the harsh taste. To combat that, kratom herb was created or taking kratom capsules to avoid the bitter taste kratom can have.

kratom tree


There are many reasons that have fueled kratom’s growth.

When we look at the history of kratom, we learn kratom has been used for centuries.

Kratom has been used for a number of different purposes. It is believed that this natural herb might help with – 

  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Concentration
  • Sexual Desire
  • Discomfort Relief
  • Chronic discomfort


While men and women still seek the benefits listed above, today it may be used for many other purposes like –

  • Unease
  • Social uneasinesess
  • Mood Enhancer
  • Recreational Use
  • Euphoria


Kratom is legal in most U.S. states.

Thanks to the support of the American Kratom Association and the kratom community, kratom is legal and thriving.

Despite efforts by the FDA, kratom is growing in usage and popularity.

We’re also getting some awesome scientific data back showing how helpful kratom really is.


If you’re thinking about buying kratom online, there’s a few things you need to know before you buy kratom powders.

First, make sure you’re buying your kratom from a verified kratom vendor.

Second, learn about the different kratom strains. There’s 3 kratom strains in total, white vein, green vein and red vein. These 3 strains are used to create all the different kratom powders you see for sale. Make sure you take the time to learn these and the many benefits they provide. We have all kinds of resources you can access to learn about kratom.

If this is your first time using kratom, make sure you start slow. You don’t know how kratom will effect you, so take your time. Your kratom dose should only be 1-2 grams for your first dose. Give it 30-45 minutes to kick in and see how you feel. If you don’t feel the desired effects, take another 1-2 grams. Give it a few more minutes and by this time, you should be feeling better.


All kratom is not created equal. One more time so it sounds just right, all kratom is not created equal.”

I’ve shared my own personal kratom story many times. In fact, if you’re a blog reader, you’ve heard it at least once.

Long story short, when I was looking at kratom for sale, I first took to Google, searching for kratom near me, something to that nature. I found a head shop, went there, and bought kratom. It was ok, then I bought kratom online. It was cheap kratom and high quality than the head shop. I was a repeat customer and the quality was never the same.

Back then, I couldn’t find high-quality kratom to buy.

So, I funded Kratom Exchange and swore to always sell high-quality, fresh kratom.


The best thing you can do is what you’re doing now, taking the time to learn about kratom before you try it.

The kratom tree is something special, especially to those who have been looking for solutions to their problems.


About Eric Rollings

An advocate and enthusiast of natural remedies, first discovered kratom nine years ago when searching for solutions for lack of focus and desire to withdraw from communicating with others in social situations. Struggling with various challenges led him to explore alternative treatments, ultimately finding comfort in the traditional Southeast Asian botanical, kratom. Since then, Eric has dedicated himself to understanding and promoting the responsible use of this herbal supplement. His personal journey has inspired him to engage with various communities, sharing his knowledge and experience, and he has become a respected figure in the field. Through seminars, writings, and active participation in online forums, Eric continues to spread awareness of kratom, hoping to assist others who face similar struggles. His passion and dedication have made him a prominent voice in the natural health community.

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