Benefits of Kratom, Kratom Strains

What Is Red Thai Kratom? Benefits, Effects, Dosing And More

What Is Red Thai Kratom?

When it comes to the most popular red kratom strains, red Thai is often referred to as one of the best. While we’ve discussed red kratom strains in great detail here at Kratom Exchange, I haven’t had the opportunity to go into great detail about how good red Thai kratom is, what effects you may experience, its history, and what others think about it. Let’s talk about red Thai kratom now!

While there’s a wide range of different kratom strains on the market, red kratom is one of the highest in demand. There’s no question that the red strains are among the strongest kratom products you can get your hands on.

Like other red vein kratom, red Thai has a high alkaloid count, which is what gives kratom its effects. Kratom, also called Mitragyna Speciosa, is a tropical tree that originates from Southeast Asia, in areas such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. While most of the kratom tree is useless, its leaves are highly valued. In fact, the kratom leaf is what gives kratom its power to help you. Check out the history of kratom here.

The primary alkaloid in kratom leaves is mitragynine, which is well-known for relieving discomfort and other beneficial properties.


Red Thai kratom is a particular strain of kratom that grows primarily in Thailand and surrounding countries. There are over 25 alkaloids in these kratom leaves, with the mitragynine content reaching 66%. Red vein Thai kratom shares many of the same benefits as other red vein kratom strains, like the discomfort-relieving properties. Interestingly, it may also produce effects that may be more significant in red Thai versus other red kratom strains

Interestingly, its red stem and veins on the leaves indicate that the plant is highly resistant to external factors, so it has always been extremely suitable for cultivation. That’s why they have been amazingly popular and commonly used for both natural treatment and relaxation purposes in Southeast Asian communities for thousands of years.

Red vein kratom leaves


Here are some of the most common red Thai kratom effects the community has mentioned after some time of using this herb:

  • Increased Tranquility and Better Sleep – A lot of red Thai kratom users report sleeping a lot better. While there are a few different kratom strains that help me sleep like a baby, red Thai is certainly up there in my top 3 for a restful, deep sleep.
  • Restless mind and internal nervousness – Many users of red Thai kratom powder or capsules report they like to use this strain for restless mind, mental anguish and internal nervousness. Others have said it may help them be more sociable, be more open and friendly. While I don’t disagree, I feel other strains can do the same.
  • Energy – Another common effect we’re hearing as of late is a shot of energy that may last several hours. In fact, a few community members said it may even help them through half the day.
  • Improved MoodVarious kratom strains can be mood-enhancing. However, red Thai kratom has been found particularly effective at bringing on feelings of happiness, well-being, and euphoria. People who struggle with unhappiness or mood disorders can significantly benefit from adding kratom to their routine. Even though it can’t be treated as medicine for unhappiness, it can alleviate the symptoms to help you survive the hardest times.
  • Discomfort Relief – Because of its opioid-like effects, red Thai kratom might help you deal with discomfort. Kratom comes with fewer side effects than many traditional options, but it is equally potent as them, so it makes a great substitute for those who prefer to take a more natural route when trying to relieve their discomfort.


By now, I’m a broken record on kratom dosing. Everyone is different, there’s just no way I could possibly know how much red Thai kratom you should take. However, I can provide you with some recommendations that are likely to work for most users.


If you’ve never taken any type of kratom before, I have you covered. You start out slow, period. I want you to be safe, and a 1-2 gram dose of red Thai kratom powder is plenty to begin with. Give it 30-45 minutes to kick in. If you’re not feeling anything at this point, take another 1-2 grams after you’ve waited. Again, give it 30-45 minutes, you should be feeling a lot better by now.

Kratom powder in and next to a wooden bowl


Everybody is different, and it takes some experimentation to find the ideal kratom dose for your needs. However, typical dosages of red Thai kratom powder usually look something like this:

  • For mild effects: 1.5 grams or less
  • For mild-to-moderate effects: 1.5-3 grams
  • For moderate effects: 3-5 grams
  • For strong effects: 5-8 grams

Never consume large quantities until you know your tolerance, always start with small amounts, I can’t stress that enough. Also, keep in mind not to exceed the dose of 8 grams when taking the powder directly. Why? It may be possible you can experience side effects from kratom at that point. 


It’s also best to consume kratom on an empty stomach. This will allow for faster delivery and absorption. As a result, you’ll experience greater benefits and won’t have to worry about the food you’ve eaten previously dulling or nullifying the red Thai kratom effects.

Of course, you can still benefit from using kratom if you’ve eaten, but try to take it on an empty stomach whenever you can to achieve the best results.


There are various ways to consume red vein Thai kratom. Some people drink it with water or tea, and others chew or even smoke it. From my experience, I would recommend drinking your kratom the most. Here are some tips on how to do it:


The toss-and-wash is the simplest method to take red vein Thai kratom as well as other kratom strains. You need to place the right dose of kratom powder on a spoon, insert it into your mouth and quickly wash it down with water. If you don’t like the taste, you can use a beverage like juice to mask it. 

Using this method, it’s best to follow these recommended doses for the desired effect:

  • 2 grams: light effect
  • 4 grams: mild effect
  • 6 grams: strong effect
  • 8 grams: very strong effect


Prepare the right dose of red vein Thai kratom and add it to boiling water. Then, let it simmer for 10-15 minutes at the boiling point. Put a sieve on a mug and pour your red Thai kratom tea directly from the pan. You can throw away the residue in the sieve.

In this case, the recommended doses are:

  • 1 gram: light effect
  • 3 grams: moderate effect
  • 5 grams: normal to strong effect
  • 10 grams: strong effect
  • 15+ grams: very strong effect


The easiest place to buy red Thai kratom (and other types of kratom, for that matter) is online. There are many internet vendors selling kratom products, but it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re buying a high-quality product from a reputable seller.

Ideally, the kratom you use will be organically grown, properly harvested and stored away from the sun. Kratom is quite delicate, so you need to make sure you’re buying it from someone who knows how to keep it intact.

Start by checking the seller’s website to see if they provide information on the sourcing of their particular brand of kratom.

It’s also helpful to look at online reviews and see what people are saying about the seller’s product. Are they pleased with the results, or do they feel that it was ineffective?

A little research will go a long way in helping you make sure you’re buying the best type of kratom.

Red vein kratom leaves


Where you buy kratom matters, as quality is key to the safety of use. Red Thai from one kratom vendor can be different from red Thai from another.

I never speak for others, it’s not my place. I can speak for Kratom Exchange.

Our red Thai kratom is;

  • Premium highgrade kratom (100 percent authentic)
  • Fresh quality kratom
  • Consistent- we have cultivated long-term partnerships with our trusted kratom farmers

If you buy our red vein Thai kratom, you can be sure that it is a product of the highest standard, and it should never do you any harm if consumed properly and in the right doses.


There’s no question about it – red Thai kratom is incredibly popular in many places in the world. People who consume it may experience a wide range of outstanding red Thai kratom effects, including better sleep, discomfort relief, mood enhancement, or energy boost. Just like other popular kratom types, this one comes from Southeast Asia and has been used by the local communities for centuries, so it’s not a new invention – it actually has a long tradition.

If you’re still trying to find the right strain for you, red vein Thai kratom may be worth trying.

As always, thanks for dropping in. If this is your first time at Kratom Exchange, remember to ask for free kratom samples. If you have any questions about red Thai, red kratom or any other type of kratom, let us know!


About Eric Rollings

An advocate and enthusiast of natural remedies, first discovered kratom nine years ago when searching for solutions for lack of focus and desire to withdraw from communicating with others in social situations. Struggling with various challenges led him to explore alternative treatments, ultimately finding comfort in the traditional Southeast Asian botanical, kratom. Since then, Eric has dedicated himself to understanding and promoting the responsible use of this herbal supplement. His personal journey has inspired him to engage with various communities, sharing his knowledge and experience, and he has become a respected figure in the field. Through seminars, writings, and active participation in online forums, Eric continues to spread awareness of kratom, hoping to assist others who face similar struggles. His passion and dedication have made him a prominent voice in the natural health community.

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